Friday, September 19, 2008


I have always wanted to know why there is air on earth.


Anonymous said...

I think it is so we can live here. The other planets where there is not air like ours do not have people living on them. We got our air because air molecules have been trapped here by gravity and ever since it was trapped here it has been recycled by plants and animals. Animal=co2-helps plants
Plants=02-helps people and animals.
So we really need trees and plants so they can keep recycling the air for us. You might be interested to find out what kind of atmospheres the other planets have.

Anonymous said...

Good question Victor!
This is Mr Palmer's Uncle Don.
We think that when the solar system formed into the sun, planets, moons,comets, asteroids and left over dust that began as a mass of what science calls "Star Stuff" or the stuff left over when a star explodes. This "stuff, made up of all the elements,water, iron, gold, and every other element or basic material we see on earth, we think that it formed into a spinning disk, called an accretion disk, kind of like a frisbee with a big lump in the middle that became the Sun.Just like in a sentrifuge that spins heavy stuff to the out side and keeps lighter stuff to the center, this spinning disk deposited just the right amount of elements in the ring that our earth formed in, to support life.

Now we have a symbiotic (that means 2 things that help each other) relationship with plant life, we produce co2 or carbon dioxide that all plants need to live and they free up oxygen that we need to live, therefore the more co2 we make the healthier plants and trees are, this is called the life cycle of co2 and oxygen.

Anonymous said...


Great question, find out about our atmosphere and how we use it to live here:

Respiratory System

Doc Tims said...

What a great question? i think my great friend Joe Dirt could answer this best when he said... you might as well ask why is a tree good? Why is the sunset good? Why are books good? THEY JUST ARE.

And that is the same with Air it is just good stuff and without air there is no Doctor Tims.

Lets do an experiment DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME I AM A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL!i am going to start holding my breath so that i get NO air............ (sorry i just passed out) thats not a good idea to try and go without air.

Breath air and prosper my friend

Mr. Palmer's 5th Grade said...

Thanks for the help everyone.